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Rudin – Analysis – Ch. 1, Ex. 6

This is an important exercise. Here we learn to extend a formal notation. We do a few things, first we firm up the notion of a rational exponent (a) and show that the definition has some consistency (b). Next we extend this definition to all real numbers (c) in a sensible way, and then we show that this extension is also self consistent (d).

The importance here is that we are learning how to firm up our notions (in this instance of exponentiation) and the importance of confirming these notions through rigor in parts (b) and (d).

One other important thing to note is that although we come up with a good definition for irrational exponents, we do not have a good method for computing the actual value. We may understand the irrational exponent is the supremum of rational exponents and this may suffice for a definition but the definition doesn’t tell us anything about how close we are with an approximation. (You will get there, but you have no idea if you are close or far) It won’t be until we define our concept of limit that we can answer that question.

Fix b > 1
(a) If m, n, p, q are integers, n > 0, q > 0, and r=m/n=p/q, prove that
\left(b^m\right)^{1/n} = \left(b^p\right)^{1/q}
Hence it makes sense to define b^r=\left(b^p\right)^{1/q}

First we note that b^{mn} = (b^m)^n = (b^n)^m . This should be obvious from the definition of exponentiation (of integers.)

Second suppose b^{mn} = x, then b = x^{1/mn}. But b^{mn} = (b^m)^n = x so b^m = x^{1/n}, and thus b = (x^{1/n})^{1/m}. Likewise b = (x^{1/m})^{1/n}.

Lastly if r= m/n = p/q then mq = np, and specifically (x^{np})^{1/mq}=x

Armed with these three facts, consider (b^m)^{1/n}
\begin{align} (b^m)^{1/n} &= [((b^m)^{1/n})^{np}]^{1/mq} \\ &= [((b^m)^{1/n})^n)^p]^{1/mq} \\ &= [(b^m)^p]^{1/mq} \\ &= [(b^p)^m]^{1/mq} \\ &= [((b^p)^m)^{1/m}]^{1/q} \\ &= (b^p)^{1/q} \end{align}

The point of this exercise is that any representation of a rational number r is the same number. (In other words oue definition is consistent.)

(b) Prove that b^{r+s} = b^r b^s if r and s are rational.

Let r = m/n and s = p/q, then
\begin{align} b^{r+s} &= b^{m/n+p/q} \\ &= b^{\frac{mq+pn}{nq}} \\ &= (b^{mq+pn})^{1/nq} \\ &= (b^{mq}b^{pn})^{1/nq} \\ &= (b^{mq})^{1/nq}(b^{pn})^{1/nq} \\ &= (b^m)^{1/n}(b^p)^{1/q} \\ &= b^rb^s \end{align}

With the two parts above proven, we have extended our exponentiation formal notation to any rational exponents. Next we complete the extension to all real numbers.

(c) If x is real, define B(x) to be the set of all numbers b^t where t is rational and t \le x. Prove that
b^r = \sup B(r)
when r is rational. Hence is makes sense to define
b^x=\sup B(x)
for every real x

First we observe that if 1< b then by (1.18) in the text b \cdot 1 < b \cdot b or b < b^2. Thus by induction we have 1 < b < b^2 < b^3 \dots b^m. Succinctly we see that if b > 1 the any power,
(m < n\) b^m < b^m. Likewise we we can see that for any b > 1 we have b^{1/n} > 1 (let b^m = x and consider x^{1/n}.)

Now consider the set B(r) where r is rational. Let t < r. b^t \in B(r). Since t < r so that 0 < r - t. let s = r- t > 0 (or r = t+s) then
\begin{align} b^r &= b^{t+s} & \\ &=b^tb^s >b^t \cdot 1 = b^t & \text{by proposition (1.18)(b) in the text ($x=b^t$, $y=b^s$, $z=1$)}\\ b^r &> b^t \end{align}

Thus for any t < r, b^t < b^r, therefore b^r is an upper bound of B(r). Because the only members of B(r) can be r or t < r we see that b^r = \sup B(r). (d) Prove that b^{x+y}=b^xb^y for all real x and y Keep x fixed and define B_x(y) = \{ b^{x+r} : r \in \mathbb{Q}, \ r \le y\}. [latex] \begin{align} b^{x+r} &= \sup B(x+r) \\ &= \sup \{ b^{s+r} : s \in \mathbb{Q}, s \le x \} \\ &= \sup \{ b^s b^r : s \in \mathbb{Q}, s \le x \} \\ &= b^r \sup \{ b^s : s \in \mathbb{Q}, s \le x \} \\ &= b^r b^x \end{align} [/latex] We can now compute B_x(y) [latex] \begin{align} B_x(y) &= \{ b^{x+r} : r \in \mathbb{Q}, r \le y \} \\ &= \{ b^x b^r : r \in \mathbb{Q}, r \le y \} \\ &= b^x \{B^r : r \in \mathbb{Q}, r \le y \} \\ &= b^x B(y) \end{align} [/latex] But B^{x+y} = \sup B_x(y) = \sup b_x B(y) = b^x \sup B(y) = b^x b^y.

Rudin – Analysis – Ch. 1, Ex. 5

Let A be a nonempty set of real numbers which is bounded below. Let -A be the set of all numbers -x, where x \in A. Prove that
\inf A = \,-\sup(-A)

To show this we first observe that if x < y then -y < -x : [latex] \begin{align} x &< y \\ x-y &< y-y \\ x-y &< 0 \\ -x + ( x - y ) &< -x + 0 \\ (-x + x) -y &< -x \\ 0 - y &< -x \\ -y &< -x \end{align} [/latex] Since A is nonempty, we know that there exists x \in A and for any x \in A we have -x \in -A. It should be clear that there are no other elements of -A. And likewise for any element y \in -A, -y \in A (and there are no other elements of A.) Let x be any member of A then \inf A \le x and from our note above, -x \le -\inf A. Therefore for all -x \in -A, -x \le -\inf A thus -A is bounded above by -\inf A. So -\inf A is an upper bound of -A. We now need to show that it is the least upper bound, i.e. -\inf A = \sup(-A).

Suppose that this is not the case, that -\inf A \ne \sup(-A), then \sup (-A) < -\inf A. Then there exists \beta < -\inf A such that for all y \in -A, y \le \beta. If y \in -A then -y \in A and -\beta \le -y thus -\beta would be a lower bound of A. But because \beta < -\inf A then \inf A < -\beta. In other words we have \beta such that for all -y \in A, \inf A < \beta \le -y. This is contrary to the assumption that \inf A is the infimum or greatest lower bound of A. Thus \beta does not exist, so -\inf A = \sup(-A), i.e. \inf A =\,-\sup(-A).

Rudin – Analysis – Ch.1, Ex. 4

Let E be a nonempty subset of an ordered set; suppose \alpha is a lower bound of E and \beta is an upper bond of E. Prove that \alpha\le\beta.

E is nonempty, thus there exists some element, x \in E. Because \alpha is a lower bound of E, \alpha \le x. Because \beta is an upper bound of E, x \le \beta.

By transitivity of the ordering relation, \alpha \le x and x \le \beta imply that \alpha \le \beta .

Rudin – Analysis – Ch. 1, Ex. 3

In this exercise we prove some implications of the axioms of multiplication over a field.

This is pretty much an exercise in practicing notating formal proofs. There is nothing enlightening here and we can use proposition (1.14) in the book as an outline.

In all of the parts below, x, y, z \in F, where F is a field with additive identity 0 and multiplicative identity 1.

(a) If x \ne 0 and xy = xz then y=z
\begin{align} y &= 1y & \text{(identity element)}\\ &= \left( \frac{1}{x} x \right) y & \text{(existence and definition of multiplicative inverse)}\\ &= \frac{1}{x} \left(x y\right) & \text{(associativity of multiplication)}\\ &= \frac{1}{x} \left(x z\right) & \text{(by assumption)}\\ &= \left(\frac{1}{x} x\right)z & \text{(associativity of multiplication)}\\ &= 1z & \text{(definition of multiplicative inverse)}\\ &= z & \text{(definition of multiplicative identity)} \end{align}

(b) If x \ne 0 and xy=x then y=1
\begin{align} xy &= x & \text{(by assumption)}\\ xy &= x1 & \text{(by definition of the multiplicative identity)} \\ y &= 1 & \text{(cancellation by part (a) above with }z = 1\text{)} \end{align}

(c) If x \ne 0 and xy=1 then y=1/x
\begin{align} xy &= 1 & \text{(by assumption)} \\ \left(\frac{1}{x}\right)\left(xy\right) &= \left(\frac{1}{x}\right) 1 & \text{(existence of }1/x\text{)} \\ \left( x \left(\frac{1}{x}\right)\right)y &= \left(\frac{1}{x}\right) 1 & \text{(associativity)} \\ 1 y &= \left(\frac{1}{x}\right) 1 & \text{(definition of }1/x\text{)} \\ y &= \frac{1}{x} & \text{(definition of the multiplicative identity)} \end{align}

(d) If x \ne 0 then 1/(1/x) = x

In order to avoid confusion we relabel (c) as:
If \alpha \ne 0 and \alpha\beta=1 then \beta=1/\alpha

Now let \alpha = 1/x and \beta = x then \alpha\beta = \left(\frac{1}{x}\right)x = 1, therefore by (c) \beta = 1/\alpha or substituting x = 1/(1/x).

Rudin – Analysis – Ch. 1, Ex 1

This exercise is very simple but it serves as a model for using (\neg q \Rightarrow \neg p ) \Leftrightarrow (p \Rightarrow q ). That is to say, a model for proving something by proving the contrapositive of the statement. In other words to show p \Rightarrow q we will prove \neg q \Rightarrow \neg p.

It is important to understand this type of argument because it is used often but is also almost always written words similar to “which is contrary to our assumption that…”. I find at times this language although correct can sounds suspicious. (When I don’t follow I sometimes think to myself “well who told you to assume that?”)

Because of its simplicity, this exercise is easy to follow and being in two parts, we can use this as model to fall back on. We’ll do the first part in somewhat pleonastic language, but the logical implications should be clearer. We’ll prove the second part (which has basically the same argument, only replacing addition with multiplication) with more usual language.

In this context in order to show that if x is irrational and r is rational (r\ne 0) then x+r is irrational, we will instead prove that if x+r is rational (i.e. not irrational) then x is rational (i.e. not irrational).

(a) If x is irrational and r \ne 0 is rational then x+r is irrational.
Here is an overly formal way to write up our proof.

To prove the irrationality of x+r let’s assume the opposite (the negation.) So x+r is not irrational. This means that (we assume) x+r is rational.

Having assumed this, we now want to prove the negation of the original assumption (that x is not irrational.)

If x+r is rational then there exist integers p and q such that x+r=p/q.

We also assume that r is rational, thus there also exists integers n and m such that r=n/m.

We then have x+n/m=p/q. Solving for x we see x = p/q-n/m = \frac{pm-nq}{qm}. This is clearly a rational expression, thus x is rational, which is what we wanted to prove. We have shown that if x+r is not irrational (i.e. x+r is rational) then x is rational.

Therefore the contra-positive is true, if x is irrational then x+r is irrational.

(b) If x is irrational and r\ne 0 is rational then xr is irrational.
We’ll now show the same for rx, but will use the more usual vernacular:

Suppose x is irrational and r is rational (r \ne 0). If rx is rational then rx = n/m where n and m are integers (n, m \ne 0). Similarly since r is rational, r=p/q. Thus \frac{p}{q}x=\frac{n}{m} and x=\frac{qn}{pm}. This implies that x is rational, which contrary to our assumption that x is irrational.

Hence rational rx is impossible for irrational x.

Rudin – Analysis – Ch.1, Ex. 2

This exercise proves the irrationality of \sqrt{12}. First we make a note about rational number expressed as p/q where p/q is in lowest terms and then use Rudin’s recipe for the irrationality of \sqrt{2}.

If n=p/q and m is an integer, m \ne 1 that divides both p and q then p’=p/m and q’=q/m are both integers and n=p’/q’. Therefore we can always reduce p/q so that there is no integer m (prime or otherwise) such that m \ne 1, m\,|\,p and m\,|\,q. When we have such p and q we then say that the representation of n is in lowest terms.

Following Rudin’s argument for \sqrt{2}, note that the word even is just another way of saying “divisible by 2” and odd is another way of saying “not divisible by 2.”

Assume we have integers p and q such that \left(\frac{p}{q}\right)^2= 12 . Without loss of generality we can assume that these integers are in lowest terms. (That is to say there is no other integer \ne 1 that divides both p and q. Then
p^2=12q^2 = 4 \cdot 3 \cdot q^2

Therefore 3 divides p^2 (and thus 3 divides p).
If 3 divides p then p = 3m for some integer m. Thus 9 divides p^2 (p^2=(3m)^2=9m^2 )so
9 \cdot m^2 = 4 \cdot 3 \cdot q^2
and thus
3 \cdot m^2  = 4 \cdot q^2

Since 3 does not divide 4, 3 must then divide q^2 and obviously then q. But this is contrary to our assumption that p/q is in lowest terms therefore p/q must not exist, i.e. there is no rational n = p/q such that n^2=12.

The point of it all.

So what’s this all about?

Well, if you have come across this blog, your more than welcome to browse and even comment, but please know that this blog isn’t really for you.

You see I am usually working through a math text (or sometimes something else) and most of the time I am keeping notes or working through exercises. The problem is I usually jump around in what I am studying and I tend to lose my paper notes/notebooks.

So this blog is an attempt to solve that. I am moving my notes into the Cloud, so to speak.

Thus, this blog is really for me. The reason I tell you that, is please don’t think I am a jerk because I don’t respond to your comments (or maybe even don’t post them. Though if you do have something interesting to add, that I want to remember I will be glad to post it.)

So for me, what’s the point? My purpose:

  • An online notebook for notes and exercises in various texts that I am working through.
  • Where I write down (once and for all) those proofs and derivations that one is supposed to know.
  • Notes on various other texts.
  • Perhaps a few musings now and then.
  • An opportunity to use/learn/hack WordPress
  • Something to fill my time.

A word of warning: Please don’t link to any of my pages for now. I am in the midst of moving some old posts and info into this blog and I haven’t set up any nice permalinks yet, so links may change without warning. Don’t worry. This is something I would like to fix soon.

Sabota, julij 08, 2006 – An outing to Štajerska

This weekend we had an excursion to the Štajerska region. Štajerska lies primarily to the east of Ljubljana and its largest city is the ancient provincial capital of Celje, where we began out journey. Traveling by bus we passed by many farms growing hops for beer. Apparently hops is big business in Slovenija and the quality is reportedly very high.

A typical view of the Štajerska countryside


After about a forty-five minute drive we arrived in Celje and headed straight for the castle above the town. The counts of Celje ruled Štajerska for several centuries and at one time their power rivaled that of the up and coming Hapsburgs. The dominion of the counts (later raised to Dukes and then Princes) is memorialized on the Slovene coat of arms in the three stars above the silhouette of Triglav mountain. The emblem of the counts was this three star motif. But Celje’s history is much older than that. Celje was first settled by the Romans who named the town Celia. At the castle we were greeted by a woman impersonating Barbara a famous countess of the realm. The view from the castle is impressive but unfortunately the castle in in the middle of renovation and our busy schedule did not permit us to visit the museum.

A hillside church as seen from the Celje castle.

So it was back onto the but for a trip to the glass factory, … . The factory produces fine (and expensive) glass and leaded crystal. We saw men blowing glass goblets. OSHA would have had a field day. These guys were wearing nothing but shorts and flip flop while they handled the molten glass. Most of them were smoking while they blew the glass and none of them ever put down their cigarettes, no matter what they were doing.

Next on the agenda was lunch at a wine vineyard in … . Until now we had been pretty much your typical annoying tourists, getting on and off a bus, taking in only a cursory look at things. In that way it had been somewhat disappointing since I think most of us were here specifically not to be your stereotypical tourists. We had a typical traditional Štajerska lunch beginning with a delicious mushroom soup, followed by roast pork, potatoes and vegetables. Along with the meal we had refreshing local wine. The restaurant was in the middle of the vineyards and the view was magnificent. This was definitely the best part of the day so far.

A vineyard in Štajerska

After lunch it was off to the thermal springs of … . A bit of a disappointment since the springs are basically a pool that happens to be filled with water that comes from a thermal spring. But it was hot and the swim, was refreshing. (Unfortunately by compact, our mutual vanity precluded any us from taking any pictures.)

Our last stop was the old Carthusian monastery at Ž… . Although it was the first Carthusian monastery located outside of France and was for a time the home of the prior of the order, it has long since been abandoned. (There is a Carthusian monastery that is still functioning in the country and I hope to visit it.) The monastery is slowly being restored today and the medicinal herbal schnapps that made the monastery famous are stil produced here. We were treated to a tour of the monastery and then a sampling of various schnapps. The monastery is situated in an isolated and steep valley surrounded by forests. It is extremely quiet and peaceful so it is obvious why the monks chose this location. This was the highlight of the trip. I wish I could have stayed here a bit longer.

Jessie and Melanie visiting the Monastery
The road home.

Ponedeljek, julij 03, 2006 First Day of School

School starts at 9:00 AM and goes until 12:30 with a half hour brake in the middle. I am in the first level class, i.e. the class for those who have absolutely no previous exposure to the language. Our teacher is Marjana Lavrič, a very pleasant woman who very much appears to enjoy what she is doing. She has a way of adding a lot of energy into the class and I am looking forward to the weeks to come even more now. The class is composed of eleven students with varying knowledge of foreign languages.

Although we are all starting off in the same boat, it is clear that there are varying comfort levels in the class. Those who know at least one foreign language or have at least studied a foreign language seriously seem to have a major advantage. Those who have not appear to struggle immediately. It is an interesting and very sad commentary on the American education system that the majority of those having problems in the class are Americans. Some students, although they may be putting the most effort into the class are also the ones having the hardest time.

The class is an balance of vocabulary, grammar and conversation. Slovene is basically an inflected language, meaning that there are lots of “endings” to words, word order is a little more relaxed, and in translation many English words (such as the subject of a sentence) are implied.

One interesting peculiarity of Slovene is the existence of a “dual” number. In most languages one has singular and plural forms of words (man – men, cup – cups, octopus – octopi) Slovene has and additional form for when you are speaking of precisely two of something. (This is a form that has dropped out of almost every other language today. It is an extremely rare.) For this reason Slovene is sometimes described as a “language or intimacy” since there is a whole different construction for saying we, i.e. “you and I” do something as opposed to we, “all of us” do something. One can readily see that this naturally lends itself to certain poetry and prose (especially love poetry and romantic prose) that cannot be easily or accurately translated into another language.